SOLE College Fair

Interested in college? The College Fair is happening right now in the lobby, and runs until 12:20. Swing by to chat with George Brown, Seneca, Centennial, and OIART!

Thanksgiving Barbeque

happy Thanksgiving day leaves banner




We will be holding a Thanksgiving BBQ on THURSDAY OCTOBER 6TH at lunch (11:20-12:20) outside  ROOM 123 (that’s the art room). Come out for food, fun, and festivities! And yes, there will be pumpkin pie. 🙂


Welcome back!

Another school year is just around the corner! We hope you had an amazing summer.

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 6th. We will be taking pictures for school IDs and handing out timetables in the cafetorium at 1:30 pm. Please be there on time! It’s  very important that you attend, and we look forward to seeing you.

Important Dates from Guidance

  • Ontario College Information Fair 2015 tripTuesday, Oct. 20th at Exhibition Grounds. Get permission forms from Karin in Guidance. Depart at 10:30 am in front lobby.
  • Parents’ NightThursday, Oct. 29th, 5:30 pm -7:30 pm at SOLE, first floor.
  • Last Day to Submit Work for Midterm, Nov.9th
  • Midterm Report Cards available Monday, Nov.16th in SOLE Office
  • Maintain Mark After Date (last day to drop a course)Friday, Nov.20th
  • Upcoming University Visits  – Monday, Nov. 2ndWestern University, 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Rm 232

Thursday, Nov. 19thRyerson University, 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Rm232

How to vote!

get ready to vote in 2015The Canadian federal election is on October 19th! If you’re 18 years old or older on Election Day and a Canadian citizen, you  can vote! If you are voting for the first time (or even if you’re not), here are some useful links.

Am I registered?
What ID do I need to bring?
What days can I vote? When are advanced voting days?
I am a first time voter, what do I do?
Accessibility Voting
The voting times are during my work time/shift, what do I do?
Other FAQ Questions from

Not sure who to vote for? It’s always a good idea to review the policies of each party, but this is a useful tool to help you evaluate which issues you care about the most and compare it to what each party has to offer: Which parties should I side with based on my beliefs? 

Party Websites:

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) (current majority government)
Leader: Stephen Harper (Prime Minister)
Hashtag: #pmharper ; #cpc

New Democratic Party (NDP) (current opposition)
Leader: Thomas Mulcair
Hashtag: #ndp

Liberal Party of Canada (LPC)
Leader: Justin Trudeau
Hashtag: #lpc

Green Party of Canada (GPC)
Leader: Elizabeth May
Hashtag: #gpc

Bloc Québécois 
Leader: Gilles Duceppe
Hashtag: #BlocQc

Other Parties’ information can be found here: List of Political Parties in Canada


Thanksgiving BBQ

We’re having a BBQ! Join us Thursday, October 8th at lunch on the grass just outside of the art room (123B).

There will be beef, turkey, and veggie burgers on the grill, a pumpkin carving contest, music on the loudspeakers, and pumpkin pie! All SOLE students and staff are welcome!

Thanksgiving Pumpkin

E-Learning Day School

The deadline for theTDSB Day School E-Learning classes is this Friday, Oct. 2nd.
That means any student with a spare in period 2 or 3 who would like an additional credit can register online at
Secondary students across the TDSB may take ONE online course on their day school timetable per semester.
Semester 1 – Registration is now open!
Course Course Description Gr Prep
BBB4M* International Business Fundamentals 12 Univ/Coll
CGG3O* Travel and Tourism A Regional Geographic Perspective 11 Open
CGR4M The Environment and Resource Management 12 Univ/Coll
CGW4U Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis 12 Univ
CHI4U Canada: History, Identity, and Culture 12 Univ
CHY4U World History: The West and the World 12 Univ
CIA4U Analyzing Current Economic Issues 12 Univ
ENG4U* English 12 Univ
ETS4U Studies in Literature 12 Univ
FSF4U Core French 12 Univ
HZT4U Philosophy: Questions and Theories 12 Univ
MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management 12 Univ
MHF4U Advanced Functions 12 Univ
NDA3M Current Aboriginal Issues in Canada 11 Univ/Coll
NDW4M Issues of Indigenous Peoples in a Global Context 12 Uni/Coll
OLC4O Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course 12 Open
PPZ3C Health for Life 11 Coll
SBI4U Biology 12 Univ
 * Registration is closed


The only way to learn