Important upcoming dates

Midterm reports are just around the corner. Are you prepared?

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday, October 24. Save the date! Signup will be online, with more information to come soon.

The deadline for all Term 1 work is Nov. 1st. If it was due in term 1, this is your absolute deadline. Late work will be graded as zero unless you have a medical note or permission from the admin.

The first OCAS/OUAC transmission date is November 4th. If you’re applying to college or university, check with your teachers to get your current grade!

Full Disclosure (the last day to drop a course without having it show up on your transcript) is November 13th.

Retro photography with Olivier

Medical imaging specialist, photographer, and old camera enthusiast Olivier joined SOLE’s photography class to demonstrate how to use a twin lens reflex camera. The Mamiya C330 might have been kicking around SOLE since the early 1980s, but without film, it’s just another classroom decoration. Olivier showed us how to load film, shoot photos with the camera, and develop negatives. It was a rare opportunity to experiment with the kind of old school cameras used by photographers including Diane Arbus and Lee Miller!

September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day

September 30 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Together we recognize the legacy of Canada’s residential school system and continue to learn the many truths of these institutions. 

Truth and Reconciliation Week takes place this year between September 23-27.

Orange Shirt Day, established in 2013 by Phyllis Webstad, recognizes the legacy of the Residential Schools System for First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and communities. By wearing orange, we acknowledge the truths of Residential Schools in Canada, we honour Survivors, and we remember the thousands of children who died, many of them buried in unmarked graves. 

This year, TDSB will honour Orange Shirt Day on September 30th.

Grassy Narrows River Run

SOLE students travelled downtown to the Grassy Narrows River Run to raise awareness about mercury poisoning and Indigenous land rights. We took photos and video, interviewed participants, and saw drumming, dancing, and speeches celebrating the long struggle for justice in Grassy Narrows. It was a beautiful and meaningful experience for all of us.

For more information about Grassy Narrows, check out

Welcome back!

We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing summer and are ready to start an exciting new school year!

Please check your email and read below for some important startup announcements.

Monday, September 2 is Labour Day.

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd. Please arrive by 10 am. If you’re new to SOLE, you can enter through either the main doors or the bike rack doors, and follow the signs up the stairs to SOLE on the third floor.

The schedule for the first day is as follows:

9-9:55 am: Staff meeting

10-10:15 am: Brief orientation and explanation of schedule in room 316 (Tech Lab)

10:20-10:30 am: Timetable distribution

Classes (attendance will be taken)

10:30-11:15 am: Period 1
11:15 am-12 pm: Period 2
12-1 pm: Lunch
1-1:45 pm: Period 3
1:50-2:35 pm: Period 4

Questions/Timetable issues: 2:45-3:15 pm

Wednesday, Sept. 4th is our Welcome Assembly and first Town Hall. Please arrive by 9 am and join us in room 316 (Tech Lab).

Thursday, Sept. 5th and Friday, Sept. 6th are regular school days.

Tuesday, Sept. 10th is Photo Day.

Have a wonderful summer!

From all of us at SOLE Alternative, we wish you a happy, safe, and restful summer vacation! Congratulations to our graduates, and we look forward to welcoming the rest of you back in September.

Interested in joining our school community? Visit the Admissions page!

Summer Well-being Guide

The 2024 Summer Well-being Guide created by the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee, the Mental Health Leads and the System Leader for Mental Health and Professional Support Services, Shameen Sandhu is now available.

It has resources, community connections, events and ideas for parents/caregivers/guardians to promote mental and physical wellness during the summer months. The resources in this Guide are culturally responsive with many resources for students with disabilities/special education needs. 

The Guide has been translated into the top 23 TDSB languages spoken and is accessible. Please share the Summer Well-Being Guide widely with students, staff, parents/caregivers/guardians and school communities.

If you have any questions, please contact

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